Safeguarding Communities: Professional Development 守護社群:專業發展

Professional training plays a crucial role in supporting communities with special needs and disabilities. To address Hong Kong’s ever-increasing demand for rehabilitation services, YAMA is hosting a Continuing Education Workshop, offering wellbeing professionals and caregivers targeted tools to work with vulnerable communities including:

專業培訓在支持有特殊需要和殘疾社群方面發揮著關鍵的作用。為滿足香港對有特殊需要和殘疾服務日益增長的需求,YAMA 將舉辦一課延續教育工作坊,為身心健康專業人士和照顧者提供針對性的工具,與弱勢社群合作,課題包括:

  • Adapting modalities for people with disabilities, special needs, and chronic illnesses

  • Empowering student agency and self-reliance

  • Managing communication and troubled behaviour

DATE & TIME: Saturday November 12, 2022 from 9:00am-5:00pm
日期及時間:2022年11月12日(星期六) 上午9時-下午5時