Donate to YAMA

YAMA relies exclusively on individual donations and corporate funding to carry out or work. We believe in accountability and making real and measurable impact in our community. You have the option to support us with a one-time donation or help sustain us in the long-run with a monthly donation.


Donate by Credit Card via Give Asia

YAMA Foundation is a registered charity in Hong Kong (IR: 91/14823). All donations over HKD100 are tax-exempt and will receive a donation receipt. We accept funds from individuals and donations.

Donation by Cheque

Payable to “YAMA Foundation Limited”

Mail to:
YAMA Foundation, Unit 902, 9/F., Orient International Tower, 1018 Tai Nan West Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
YAMA 基金會-九龍荔枝角永康街63號6樓611室

Donate by Bank Transfer

Please see here for our bank details.

Donate by FPS


Become a monthly donor

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