Help Us Fundraise 幫助我們籌款

We are always looking for fundraising assistance. Here are some ideas for you to do to help fundraise for us


teach a charity yoga class to benefit YAMA Foundation 舉辦慈善瑜伽課,籌款給YAMA基金會

Yoga teachers who may not have specialised qualifications to assist our programs, can still get involved by teaching a charity class. Here's what you need to get this off the ground:

  • Contact us and let us know when you would like to host the charity yoga class

  • Secure a date and time and venue. (YAMA will not pay any deposits or rentals for venues.)
    確定日期、時間和地點。(YAMA 不會為場地支付任何押金或租金。)

  • We will help you draft a flyer for your event and can even set the event up online to receive payments directly to us. All you need to do is market the event to your family and friends.

  • Come to pick up a YAMA t-shirt before the event.
    活動舉行前來領取 YAMA T恤。

  • At the event, play the YAMA Foundation YouTube video to your audience before you begin teaching your class.
    課堂開始前,請先向您的參加者播放 YAMA 基金會的 YouTube 短片

  • Have a wonderful event!

  • After the event, please share a write-up and photos for us to include on our blog and social media.

50 SUn Salutations Challenge | 拜日式50挑戰

Yoga practitioners can challenge themselves in a morning practice by doing 50 Sun Salutations to raise awareness and money for YAMA Foundation. Here's what you need to do:
瑜伽練習者可以來一個自我挑戰,在早上練習時進行一連50次的拜日式向太陽致敬。從中提高自我覺知更可為 YAMA 基金會籌款。以下是活動所需處理的事項:

  • Contact us and let us know when you would like to do the challenge.

  • Set a date, time and venue for your challenge. (YAMA will not pay any deposits or rentals for venues.)

  • Each participant needs to download our pledge form and fill it out.
    每位參加者都必需下載及填寫 認捐表格

  • Get your family and friends to support you by sponsoring you a flat fee or per round of Sun Salutation.

  • Take lots of pictures at your event and share with us so we can put it on our blog and social media.

  • Come by to donate the cheque and receive a gift of thanks from YAMA Foundation.
    把籌得款項以支票方式帶到 YAMA 基金會投捐,並領取感謝禮品一份。




Every year, YAMA Foundation hosts a range of small to larger events to help raise money and awareness of our cause. 

If you are good with logistics and would like to assist YAMA Foundation with any of its fundraising efforts, please visit our JOIN OUR TEAM page and complete the Volunteer Application Form.
如果您擅長於後勤工作,並有興趣參與協助YAMA基金會的任何籌款活動,請瀏覽 加入我們的團隊 網頁,並填寫志願者申請表格。